This is our story of leveraging WNS SKENSE, our cognitive data capture and processing platform, to improve claims management and customer service for a major US insurer.

As we know…

Insurance companies worldwide have had to deal with an unexpected surge in health and medical claims in recent times. The overwhelming increase in the data flow from healthcare systems has led to numerous operational issues, further aggravated by inadequate human resources to handle the necessary paperwork. The delays and human errors caused by stressed workflows have disrupted timely and efficient claims settlement. Insurers are therefore looking to integrate their legacy systems with digital tools and capabilities, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), to drive improved operational efficiency and customer experience.

The challenge for our client was…

It faced multiple process issues while extracting, categorizing and indexing information from claims documents. The data came in from diverse sources and formats and was processed manually for the most part. Spikes in claims volume pressurized the available resources and systems. This led to improper tracking of customer claims documents, causing delays, errors and slower customer service.

The client wanted to improve the accuracy and Average Handling Time (AHT) of claims to improve decision-making and ensure the best customer experience while optimizing costs, time and labor.

WNS saw opportunities for intelligent automation...

Leveraging AI Platforms, a key pillar of WNS Analytics, we adopted a platform-centric approach to enable business value at scale for the insurer. We worked with the client to integrate its systems with WNS SKENSE, a data contextualization platform powered by AI.

A scalable and highly customizable platform, SKENSE was easily integrated into the insurer’s systems and adapted to meet its needs. It processed unstructured data generated during customer interactions and converted it into a structured format. It applied natural language processing to blend the data shared by customers, providers, repair vendors, claim surveyors and adjusters. SKENSE then identified, extracted, categorized and classified data required for the automated processing of claims settlement.

The integration of SKENSE helped the insurer to…

Transform claims indexing for different lines of business, including workers' compensation, auto insurance, property and casualty, and documents received via physical mail and e-mails. This reduced the AHT for claims, a key efficiency metric in customer service.

Tangible outcomes included:

  • 88 percent automation of the indexing volume

  • 68 percent reduction in AHT

About WNS Analytics:

WNS Analytics powers business growth and innovation for 120+ global companies with data, analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Driven by a specialized team of over 4000 analysts, data scientists and domain experts, WNS Analytics helps translate data into actionable insights for impactful decision-making. Built on the pillars of consulting (Consulting), future-ready platforms (AI Platforms), and domain and technology (Centers of Excellence), WNS Analytics seamlessly blends strategy, industry-specific nuances, AI and Machine Learning (ML) operations, and intelligent cloud platforms.

Driving a futuristic edge are WNS Analytics modular cloud-based platforms and solutions leveraging advanced AI and ML to provide end-to-end integration and processing of data to actionable insights. WNS Analytics leverages the combined strength of WNS’ domain expertise, co-creation labs, strategic partnerships and outcome-based engagement models.

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