Did you hear about that TikTok user earlier this year? The one who leveraged Artificial Intelligence (AI) to whip up a song with vocals eerily resembling Drake and The Weeknd? Yeah, it went viral. But it also sparked a huge debate: Who really owns the rights to that song? The TikTok creator? Universal Music (since they manage both artists)? Or maybe even the AI model itself?

That whole commotion shines a spotlight on the Intellectual Property (IP) world in the age of Generative AI (Gen AI). Now, typically, copyright laws are pretty straightforward – if you, a human, create something original, it's yours. But what happens when an AI system is behind the creation? There's a lot of chatter in legal circles about treating AI systems as "co-creators." It’s like giving a nod to everyone involved – from those who provide the data to the ones developing the model.

So, if your organization is embracing Gen AI, here’s a roadmap to make sure you are on top of the IP game:

  1. Understand the Underlying Data: If you're using a proprietary Language Learning Model (LLM), ensure you are clued into the data that's feeding it. With public LLM models, this can get trickier. But, whether your model's in-house or from the web, you have got to grasp the data it's built on. Also, while you are at it, don't forget to peek into the fine print about how you can ethically use the insights these models churn out. In short, always stay ethical and informed.
  2. Prioritize Internal Transparency: Think of this as laying down the rules of the game within your organization. What's your stand on sourcing data? Do you remember all the licensing agreements? How's the model being trained? Even understanding the assumptions the model makes can save you a lot of legal headaches. Establish an internal system that tracks IP origin and output, ensuring traceability and accountability.
  3. Establish Ethical Governance: Consider forming an ethics board or committee. Regularly review content produced by Gen AI, assess its ethical implications and maintain traceability back to its origin. Such a board can provide guidance and oversight, ensuring that the company's AI-driven creations are both legally and ethically sound.

Sure, the Gen AI landscape is shifting like sand under our feet. Take Adobe's Firefly platform, for instance. They have tried to simplify things by claiming rights on certain stock images and even offering protection to users who create through them. As we continue to re-define what's possible with Gen AI – be it making music, art or even lifelike text – we have got to keep our eyes on the IP ball. It's not just about riding the Gen AI wave; it's about doing it right. Let's be prepared!

Ready to dive deeper into the world of Gen AI? Don’t miss this insightful conversation featuring industry leaders from WNS and an esteemed guest from Forrester Research as they unpack the challenges and opportunities that Gen AI brings.

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